ABOUT GainTracer

What was the method behind the development of GainTracer?

GainTracer is a result of one individual's curiosity as well as their journey to find answers to the questions they had regarding Bitcoin. The person who founded GainTracer was already fascinated with the idea that Satoshi Nakamoto remained a mystery to the world , despite having made an extremely revolutionary currencies. But their desire to know more about this cryptocurrency turned into a passion to trade it after they learned about its real potential.

After three years of rigorous research and experimentation to devise successful trading strategies as a Bitcoin trader, they delved deep into analyzing price trends, identifying key influencers on Bitcoin's value, and selecting the most effective trading instruments for Bitcoin transactions. This comprehensive effort ultimately culminated in the creation of GainTracer.

In 2014, one of the founders of the platform shared their concept with a colleague, who connected them to a team of developers. Within just 15 months, they created GainTracer, a comprehensive resource center for Bitcoin traders. As time passed, GainTracer evolved, incorporating advanced technology to facilitate rapid trading operations that can be executed in just one or two clicks.


GainTracer was developed with a specific purpose in mind

This platform was envisioned as a solution to provide users with a more streamlined and efficient way to track their investment performances. The creators of GainTracer recognized a gap in the market for a tool that could not only simplify the monitoring of investments but also offer insights and analytics to help users make better-informed decisions about their financial portfolios. As a result, GainTracer was brought to life with the aim of empowering investors by giving them a comprehensive overview of their assets, enabling them to maximize their investment potential while minimizing risks and unnecessary complexities.

The main reason for the formation of GainTracer is that the creators wanted to create a space for people who are interested in cryptocurrency trading to find out more about Bitcoin, find out various strategies for trading and hopefully enjoy the best Bitcoin transactions.

Since its inception, GainTracer has been dedicated to empowering traders with the knowledge that they can develop their unique trading style, choose their preferred Bitcoin pairs, and set their own trading parameters to trade in a way that suits them best.


The Team's Values

The motivated team behind GainTracer is driven by an unwavering passion for open, stable, and transparent markets.


They acknowledged the revolutionary and beneficial impact that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology could have on transforming and revolutionizing the financial sector. GainTracer is a testament to their devotion and commitment to furthering these ideals.